How's the EC life treating you? Is it a rollercoaster, a smooth sail, or a wild safari?
It has been a rollercoaster ride indeed with pre-covid, covid and post-covid work scenarios!

Take us down memory lane: What’s the scoop on your first day at EC?
It was intimidating! Coming from IT industry, I had my own perception and qualms about how an “ad agency” would be. Fast forward to today, I’m so glad I’m here and have been enjoying since day-1 of EC.

Your Life’s Mantra / Motto?
Let Live!

“We know you have had a Baby while working with EC. Tell Us about your motherhood Journey.
It was a heart-warming experience. My superiors were over-joyed when I broke the news. I’ve had a smooth KT process, went on my mat break and returned with a bang! Personally, having kids have made me a better person emotionally and intellectually. I’ve learnt to manage time better and be more efficient with my resources.

What do you like about EC?
‘Fun’ is in its DNA. We’re a team of simple, young, accommodative, and collaborative individuals. Working at EC is #goodformentalhealth

“Anything special that you would like to share with us?
I was taken aback seeing the amount of trust EC leadership and Cheil HR Head have had on me when I joined in. That made me feel home and comfortable. This feeling continues as I see so much flexibility and faith in me from my superiors. “Faith moves mountains”, right!
What do you not like about being here or about EC?
People here tend to see or make HR look like we’re against them or just see us as “recruitment and events team”. I wish we all tried to educate/ observe, reflect, and realize the immense value add and the potential that HR has and can have.
Titles, titles, titles! If EC had its own awards, who would snag these?

One thing for EC Management's suggestion box?
Sleeping pods/ bunker probably
Any wishful thinking or dreams you have for EC in the future?
Expanding to more locations in and out of Mumbai;
possibly Navi Mumbai

Who's your go-to person at EC when you need a dose of wisdom or just a good laugh?
My manager- Bhavna
Do you get angry? When and what sets you off?
Yes, I do. By nature, I’m an HSP (highly-sensitive person) and seeing unfair, wrongful actions sets me off!
Wrapping up our chat, what's the top tip you'd give to someone joining EC?

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